Old: SoundCanvas SC-50

I sold this one off some time ago

A page with info that I have been able to dig up about the Roland SC-50 Sound Canvas. Apparently, the SC-50 is the same as the SC-55, but without the sounds of the MT32 module. It was released in 1991, it looks like this

Image from http://www.roland.dk/roland/museum/

The SC-55 seems to be much more popular than the SC-50, which means that you can get info on the net more easily. There is a User Group at http://www.grandgent.com/tom/scug/scug.html.

SoundCanvases compared: http://members.home.net/agnew.g/scug/sctypes.html

SC-55 page: http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-55114/index2.htm

e-mail archives http://www.cs.ruu.nl/pub/MIDI/DOC/Sound-Canvas

U Michigan tech sheets by Barton Polot, cached locally

Many sites on the net have links to kafka.uvic.ca, but this site does not have any new information.

Sound canvas SC-50 in depth info


Name: SC-55(SC-50,SC-7); SC-155; SCC-1; SCD-10
Brand: Roland
Type: MIDI Module (External; Ext. with Sliders; MPU-401 Card; Wave Daughterboard)
Poly: 24
Parts: 16
DAC: 16 bit
Comp: GM/GS/MT32 see note
Instr: 317
Drums: 10
DSP: 2
Extra: note: SC-50 misses MT32 sounds.
SC-7 and SCB-10 have less memory (They only have GM)! 7th Guest CD=SC-55+Effects.

2nd hand synths

arno's 2nd hand synths